Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My first Spirelli Card

This is my 1st Sprielli Card. I have seen so many lovely spirelli cards but never made one myself. I decided it was time to try and make one. I had made string art pictures when I was younger but this is easier because you don't have to bang a bunch of nails into a board before you get started, lol.
For this card I used my largest scalloped nestability die and put it through my cuttlebug approx 4"(sandwiched in between a B and C plate). I also used a smaller nestability die to cut the smaller circle 2 1/2" (if you have the nestabilities it's the middle die). I stamped the smaller circle and colored it. I then used my Krylon gold leafing pen and outlined the edge in gold. Using my glue runner I glued the smaller circle to the center of the larger circle. Beginning anywhere on the large scalloped circle, I taped the end of a spool of gold metalic thread to the back and started wrapping the thread over and around my circle making sure I wrapped around every 8th space forward to back. I continued until I had wrapped my thread around each scalloped edge twice then cut the thread and taped it to the back. For the card I first folded my cardstock, then cut it out 5 1/2" x 4 1/2 "I added a strip of ribbon down the center of my card, then used pop-dots to put my finished product on my card. Then I decorated it with some flower stickers on each corner.


Lori said...

Love your Spirelli card...you did a great job for your first card.

Sandie R said...

It's lovely Dawn and youu would never know it was your first. Fellow CSTer

Anonymous said...

Stunning!!! I love all the beautiful details!!!


Anonymous said...

Just love your card, it has such an elegance. All your work is so nice!
Sheila (happyone286)